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The Rose Hall Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Livelihoods Project



Our mission is to promote the sustainable development of the Rose Hall community through effective implementation of activities designed highlight the rich cultural heritage of our community, accelerate our socio economic development and encourage the sustanaible use of our natural resources.


The rich Fauna and Flora of the surrounding environment with the various eco friendly services providing by RHCDO, are offering the opportunity for investment in ecotourism.


We aim to make as low an impact on the environment and local culture as possible, while helping to generate future employment for local people.

Our Needs


  • Teach about Environmental conditions in the community

  • Educate & sensitize local about Environmental Health, prevent Pollution, manage our Wastes and manage Water.

  • Protect our drinking water.

  • Get financial resources to improve our local environment.

  • Create an information point at Rose Hall for people to find all informations about our culture, natural site, wildlife and community Environment.

  • Get more professional on board to improve our activities and make actions with us.

  • Provide professional training to develop alternative income generated by using natural resources.


Our Objectives


  • Provide long-term, socially just economic opportunities for local residents.

  • Create sustainable employment especially for women and youth

  • Conserve our nature and educate people about environment protection

  • Develop synergies between Agricultural sector and Tourism, including local crafts.

  • Contribute to the preservation and conservation of natural and cultural heritage

  • Improve local infrastructure. 

  •  Make up for holistic rural tourism products and experiences which include activities, accommodation and man-made facilities. 

  • Start up again and developing man-made facilities at an international standards and quality guarantees

  • Teach about human resource awareness and capacity development. 

  • Fill the gaps in the rural tourism value chain. 


We would like to hear from you!

We are always willing to learn more and open to any new idea and suggestion even constructive criticism are welcome.

Please give your feed back on the message box below or send us your comments by mail.

Thank you!

We need your Help more than anything to make our project come true.


To convince you that we are going

to make a wise use of all donations

Rose Hall Cultural and development Organization share with you a copy

of the Application File.



Tel:  Selwyn Patterson   +1784 433 2827

        Walton Samuel      +1784 530 9156

        Gilroy Williams       +1784 531 5498







And the Rose Hall Drummers:

the best Authentic  Calypso, Reggae and  Garifuna music 

in St Vincent and the Grenadines

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